WTB Power Transformer

Keith Rowland k4kgw at MINDSPRING.COM
Fri Jan 29 10:26:52 EST 1999

Fellow Possessors of Old Junk:

They must have made shoddy goods back in 1935, just like today.  The
power transformer in one of my AM speech amplifiers has self-destructed,
filling the air of the shack with the heady aroma of amateur
incense...and it is only 53 years old.  Good grief, I'm nearly 70 and
all my tranformers are still working!

Anyway, does anyone have in their junque box a transformer resembling
the following:

700 VCT or 350V not center tapped at 100 ma. minimum.
6.3VAC at 3 Amps minimum.

I t would really be great (and probably a miracle) if it were the
double-shell type that will mount with 4 bolts into a rectangular hole 2
9/16" X 2 15/16", with the mounting holes spaced 2 3/16" center to
center, and 2 7/8" center to center... : )   : ), etc.

Thanks for taking time away from your own projects to look in your junk



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