Rust spots on radio cabinet

Larry Knapp kc8jx at YAHOO.COM
Sat Jul 3 09:23:46 EDT 1999

To the list:  I know there are some of you out there who can assist in this.  I
recently purchased a radio accessory with what I believe are rust spots (from
perhaps humidity down south) on the cabinet.  I tried to clean then off with my
usual radio cleaners but they are still there.  The piece is in great
electrical shape & works fine but would just like to restore this "puppy" to
great super condition.  I though of using Naval Jelly.  Is this ok?  Perhaps
someone has a better idea.

May your days be full of sunshine and good thoughts fill your head.
From: Larry Knapp, KC8JX, St. Joseph, Mi  49085
  Best 73's
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