FS: Clamp-On Ammeter
Dick Dillman
ddillman at IGC.APC.ORG
Sun Jul 4 23:00:10 EDT 1999
Clamp-on AC Ammeter Set Columbia Electric "Tong-Test" - If you have some
serious AC current to measure this is the baby for you. If you don't you
can use it to scare the bejeezus out of the kids. The Tong-Test consists of
a clamp-on base with handle and trigger that opens the menacing inductive
loop and closes it with a clack that says "I mean business". The loop goes
around the electrical cable you wish to measure. Into this snap one of four
meters with ranges from zero to 400, 500, 800 and 1000 Amps. The set comes
in a black leatherette covered case complete with original key. The foam
rubber inside the case lid it deteriorated but functional. The foam rubber
in the case holding the base and the meters is in good condition as is the
outside of the case. The base and meters are in excellent condition.
$25 plus UPS VersaPak packing and shipping from San Francisco 94110.
Dick Dillman, W6AWO
Chief Operator at K6KPH of the Maritime Radio Historical Society
Collector Of Heavy Metal:
Harleys, Willys and Radios Over 100lbs.
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