Heathkit SB-110A Six Meter Transceiver FS or T

Gary Harmon gharmon at IDWORLD.NET
Tue Jul 6 22:54:40 EDT 1999

I recently picked up a matching set of almost mint SB-110 and SB-110A 6m
 transceivers so I no longer need the one I was going to restore.  Here's

 Heathkit SB-110A 6m transceiver:

1.  Missing 3/8 x 3/4 "SB-110A" emblem on the front panel.
2.  Has Nov 1966 CQ Magazine modification for AM.  Metal coat hanger sized
hole in upper left corner of front panel.
3.  SO-239 mounted in place of RCA antenna jack on the rear chassis.
4.  On-off switch shorted closed.
5.  Dirty VFO (signal jumps when tuned).
6.  Hears signals.
7.  50 watts out.
8.  No tubes tested or trouble shooting done.
9.  Transceiver is dirty but should clean up nicely.
10. Nice front panel, knobs, and case.

No power supply or mike but comes with copy of manual and CQ article.

$175 OBO insured shipped.  If you need more information or a picture let me

Interesting trades considered.

Gary H. Harmon, Jr. - K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX  78239-3218
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at idworld.net

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