Milled (?) Lettering in Wrinkle Paint

Ray Robinson robinson at SRSUNA.SHLRC.MQ.EDU.AU
Thu Jul 8 19:07:32 EDT 1999

Hi there,

> Very interesting, but I have 12 command set receivers (5 black) and 7
> transmitters (3 black), and can't see what you describe on any of
> them.  I wonder if this is manufacturer or type specific.  What is the
> contractor of the ones you are referring to?
I've seen it on ARC-5 series receivers.

Don't know for sure how it was done.
Always assumed it was engraved.
Since it is 1940s technology it must be engraving or stamping.
Can't be chemical as it couldn't get through the paint,
with such precision.
Probably not stamping, as there is no mark on the other side,
and if it WAS stamped while the paint was not completely dry,
some would probably lift off in the centres of fully
enclosed letters/numbers (like QROPADB and 46890).
So that leaves engraving, and it is recessed (cut through the paint),
so it was done after painting.
I've had some lettering done with lasers (I had a new dial made for a BC-946)
and it looks nothing like that.

> >If you've ever looked at the top of a Command Set
> >receiver or transmitter painted black wrinkle, you'll
> >notice tube location lettering in the paint.
> >
> >The paint seems to be "milled" or perhaps stamped
> >with the lettering while it's still pliable.
> >The bare chassis shows through the very fine letters,
> >which are recessed into the wrinkled surface as though cut
> >with a very, very fine bit.
> >
> >Does anyone know for certain how this was done?
> >

Ray vk2ilv

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