Howard 437A

Ed Sharpe couryhouse at AZONLINE.COM
Sun Jul 11 20:29:32 EDT 1999

use of the oven also causes toxic fumes in your house!
I remember when I had a bunch of old black payphones
I baked a new finish onto....... whew!!!!!

Steve Harrison wrote:

> At 04:17 PM 1999-07-11 -0400, jackiv at JUNO.COM wrote:
> >>... put it (the tx) in the oven at 235 degrees for about 1 to 2 hours.
> Most folks get away with this, it seems; but I'd never consider using an
> oven as you have very little temperature control and it heats scarce and
> hard-to-replace electrolytics, and can cause deformation of the wax-covered
> paper forms inside IF transformers. Bits and pieces of insulation or
> plastic can and will melt.
> Instead, use an incandescent light bulb. Be sure to turn the radio so any
> lead holes are facing up so moisture and steam can rise up out of the core.
> Easy to do, usually: turn the radio upside down supported on a couple 2x4s
> or something with an automobile troublelight or other lamp placed
> underneath. Place a piece of aluminum foil on top of the bulb or between
> the bulb to to keep radiation heat from burning and heating things, like
> electrolytics. Check it every 5 to 10 minutes after first firing it up to
> make sure it's not heating something you don't wanted heated. Sometimes, an
> old 14-watt Christmas tree light bulb is sufficient. Or, you can use
> several of them, each strategically-placed.
> Then just leave it for a day or two or more, checking it now and then. The
> longer, the better; a week for something that is essentially irreplaceable
> isn't too long. Haste truly makes waste when it comes to something like old
> boatanchors.
> This is also the recommended procedure to dry out old transformers, such as
> pole pigs. In the case of large pole pigs, you usually leave it with the
> lamp something like a week or two; the longer, the better. If the iron core
> and windings don't get warm to the touch, they're not being heated enough.
> Place a cardboard box over the affair with a small gap at the bottom and
> one of the flaps slightly ajar at the top end to allow just a bit of air
> circulation, but not enough to let a strong breeze from the outside to blow
> inside. Since this is usually done in a garage or basement where humidity
> tends to collect near the floor during wet weather, the box is a necessity
> or you can wind up getting more moisture inside than was there to start
> with. Placing the item on an elevated bench or shelf, off the floor is good.
> Afterward, you do NOT want the thing to be cooling down during a storm: it
> will absorb moisture from the surrounding high humidity again.
> There's another upside to using a lamp in your basement/garage: you only
> blow a hundred-watt-hours of energy while doing the "curing" rather than
> tieing up the XYL's oven, causing her to blow more money to order pizza or
> make cold-cut sandwiches for lunch and/or dinner....
> It always takes me ten times as many words to get my point across as anyone
> else ever seems to have to say... Sorry!
> 73, Steve K0XP
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