Bob Peters soundimp at POBOX.COM
Sat Jul 17 23:30:36 EDT 1999

I have the  following  mikes  f/s....

1   Astatic 10DA with no G Stand but has the adapter that goes from Astatic
to  any  other stand
in Very nice shape... Near perfect...  Has  PJ068  plug on...  Tested on my
and works well.....   $60   Shipped

1    Shure Desk  mike  I  believe  it  isa 455...  Fair  shape  works  well
 wit a  PJ068  as  well....
$35.00  Shipped.

1  Atlas Desk Stand  telescopes  to  12  inches  very  heavy  duty  with a
6 inch
gooseneck.....  $15.00  shipped

Contact  via  E  Mail...  Thanks   Bob  k1JNN/5

Bob Peters  K1JNN/5
CCA# 96-00063 
Another member of The Dallas Posse 

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