HBR Receivers

talen talen at INETPORT.COM
Tue Jun 1 19:17:25 EDT 1999

Hello David,

I'm the owner of the HBR reflector which has been online for a week.
You can subscribe (free) by sending a note to majordomo at qth.net
and put    subscribe HBR   in the body of the note (only).

You can get information by sending a note to majordomo at qth.net
and put    info HBR   in the body of the note (only).

I can also send you the last week's message postings (about 35KB)
or a list of all the QST articles so you can look them up yourself.

Basically they are a series of excellent homebrew receivers designed
by Ted Crosby W6TC and later enhanced by others, which appeared
in various QST articles from 1957 until the mid 60s. They were quite
popular with hundreds being built around the world.

73s  Kees K5BCQ

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