Needed: Parts for Q-Multiplier

Dave & Debby Anderson danderso at EROLS.COM
Mon Jun 7 02:09:33 EDT 1999

Last fall, I acquired a B&W model 340-A Q-Multiplier and Notch filter.
Several folks on the list were kind enough to send me copies of the
manual for it, and I realized that I do not have the control assembly
for it.

I, of course put it aside for when I would have some 'free time' to work
on it. Well, I still don't have the 'free time', but would like to get
it operational.

Does anyone have one of the the control assemblies for this box ??

I would be happy to trade a working standard on/off,nb,calibrate switch
for the entire assembly, and/or pay a reasonable price.


Dave Anderson

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