Dee Almquist soundnmind at RICA.NET
Mon Jun 7 08:46:37 EDT 1999

>Hello BA Amigos
>The latest (and the final listing) is simple........
>I have avail QST sets 1976 thru 1997. If you need any yrs to fill in or
would like to purchase the whole, let  me know. Per yr is $10. + USPS book
rate shipping (or any other way u want shipped). I need these off my
shelves! I prefer visa/mc for pmt. I still have some '30s
('35 custom bound vol) thru '75 sets.
Patty & Dee's Marina, collectors of electronic boatanchors. 534 W Main St.,
>Waynesboro, Va. 22980 (540)249-3161
fax (540)249-5064

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