Cleaning/paint of HX-50 Transmitter

Al Parker anchor at COASTALNET.COM
Sat Jun 12 16:30:49 EDT 1999

Hi Bill,
        I got an HX50-A this week, and have a cupla comments--
        1- I'm sure there are as many opinions as --?  Just be careful around the
lettering, which is not engraved, just silk screened, by the looks of it.
I usually just use hand dishwashing soap well diluted with water, and a
soft swab, or brush, depending on where I'm working.  I've used Murphy's
Oil Soap, it does a good job on nicotine stains.
        2- I'm GLAD you said "dark" gray.  I've posted the same question to the
Hammarlund group this week.  I think the HX-50 (A), the HQ-180AX, & HXL-1
which I have, have darker gray cabinets than the earlier units.  I had an
HQ-170A 1-2 yrs ago, I'm sure it was a bit lighter.  One guy said he used
Rustoleum Smoke Gray (the only response).  It's too light for me, I tried.
Krylon Smoke Gray is even lighter, even lighter than the can top (which is
darker than the rustol.), which is "supposed" to match the contents.
        I haven't tried R&R's website yet, their catalog only listed (a yr ago)
one Hammi cabinet paint.
I'll try it right now -- Well, it doesn't work, I just got the URL from a
guy yesterday.  The catalog says`kk5hy/r&r.html,
but that isn't there.
        Lowe's hdwe says they'll mix me a quart to match, but spray can not
possible.   only $7-9, depending on paint brand.  Will do everyone's
cabinets ;-)

Let me know if you get anywhere, I'll do the same.
        How does yours work?  They don't have a good reputation, but mine seems
fine.  Made several long QSO's on 20m SSB this week, with some very
critical BA guys.

Again, there are as many opinions on paint shades as ???.  It does vary
some between models, and even model runs, I guess, and does change with
age.  My 3 units are definitely (to me) darker.  The panels are the same
shade, again, darker than I remember.

At 11:39 AM 6/12/99 -0400, Bill Neubauer wrote:
>I am asking the BA community for recommendations of the safe cleaning of
>the normal build-up "crud" on the front panel of the Hammarlund HX-50
>transmitter.  I want to remove the normal accumulation of dirt/etc
>"crud" but not destroy/impair the white dial markings.  Would also like
>to hear what chemicals to avoid at all costs.  Also, need a source of
>the matching dark gray Hammarlund cabinet spray paint.  Tnks and 73s to
>all.  Bill/KC4ZZ
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