Hammarlund HX-50 Repair

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Tue Jun 15 12:55:15 EDT 1999

Hi Craig - I will copy this to the list so others can benefit from my
answer (hopefully!)

I do not know for sure if there is a repair shop right in the SF Bay

However, there is a large list of repair places on-line at:


I hope that helps you, Ken!

On 12 Jun 99 at 9:21, ccar wrote:

> Hi All:
> I recently spoke to this fellow on 40 mtrs, nice guy...
> He's looking for a good, reliable shop that can repair his HX-50 in the
> San Francisco Bay area.
> Please respond to:
> kdueker at cspeed.com
> His name is Ken, KB6BPM
> Tnx es 73
> Craig wb6rmp
Check my list of items for sale! Updated frequently:

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