Wanted: Collins PTO or exciter for 1.8 to 2.0 mhz

J. Douglas Hensley nfmk at JUNO.COM
Fri Jun 18 00:13:49 EDT 1999

Wanted:  Collins PTO or exciter for 1.8 to 2.0 mhz and
matching speaker to the 75A2/A3.  Hoping to find an
unneeded PTO in good shape to build my own VFO/Exciter

Still looking for:

(1)  the PP-712 or PP-712A p.s.
for the AN/GRC-26A FSK converter CV-182

(2) large RCA bcst microphone with RCA logo intact.

Have attractive/desirable Heath & Drake equipment to
trade for right pieces.

Thanks in advance.


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