GB> KH6O's 500 kHz shore station

Jeffrey Herman, KH6O jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Tue Jun 22 17:40:36 EDT 1999

Thank-you to everyone for your supporting emails regarding my little
500 kc shore station proposal.

I just did a search of the FCC's database, and here are the only US sta-
tions still maintaining a 500 kc maritime CW watch (power output in kW):

KFS CA (40)
KLB WA (5)
KLC TX (40)
KPH CA (20)
WCC MD (20)
WLO AL (40)
WNU LA (17.6)
WPD FL (2.7)
WSC NJ (1)

Applications pending: AL (40)
                      NJ (1)

The pending apps show owner as Mobile Marine Radio, Inc. (owner of KLB,
WLO, AND WSC). It's interesting to see that applications are still being
submitted to the FCC for newly proposed 500 kc stations!

73, Jeff KH6O

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