Drake L4B RF deck $300.00

Lane Zeitler zeitler at IBM.NET
Sun Mar 7 10:02:29 EST 1999

RF deck only--no tubes--no chimneys--no supply.. Works very well. I have two
other L4Bs and do not need this third. It was purchased as a spare. Front
panel looks great. Top cover has a small dent, around the size of a quarter,
other than that it looks very good.

Also have a copy of the manual. Use it with your own HB supply. These decks
only need 3300vdc on the plates for legal limit out. Very efficient tank.
Lots of room to add 160 and QSK (see AG6K's web page--works VERY well).

$300.00 plus shipping from San Diego 92139. It will be professionally boxed
(by me) and insured for replacement value.

Pls send your name, call, zip, and PHONE NUMBER when replying. I will either
e-mail back or call you.

Lane Zeitler
San Diego

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