Need lever for BC-348 (AVC-off-manual knob)

Richard Post post at OUVAXA.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Mon Mar 15 17:05:30 EST 1999

Heavy metal enthusiasts,

Picked up a nice BC-348Q that actually works quite well.  I plan to study
and undo a couple of the mods which thankfully have left the front panel
largely intact with the only drilled mod being
the SO-239 antenna connector.   Has the usual AC supply mod which I will leave.

The former owner replaced the lever switch (AVC-off-manual) with a pot for
RF gain control.

Need that lever knob for the switch.  Could use the whole switch but I'm
sure I can find a reasonable substitute in my "boxe de junque".   Anybody
have a spare lever knob?

73 de Rich
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