FS: 400 Hz inverter

Christian Fandt cfandt at NETSYNC.NET
Tue Mar 23 12:52:57 EST 1999

Hey all you 400 cycle fans!

Cleaning out the old house and I don't want to take the inverter over to
the new place. Not enough room :(

I'll give most of the detail on the ID tag as so:

INVERTER, US Army Specification No. 94-32270-A (If this is of any help)
Input  24 VDC  36 A.
Output 1:  26 V 400~ 1 phase  250 VA  40% P.F.
Output 2:  115 V 400~ 1 phase  500 VA  90% P.F.
Made by:  Holtzer-Cabot Electric Inc.  Boston

Looks like it's about 14" long overall and maybe about 6" diameter plus
mounting feet. Has a 5" x 5" (approx.) junction box attached to side with
mil connector. Feels like 15 pounds. Looks like it has been through at
least one depot rebuild as the top coat of grey paint is peeling.

If you can use it let me know as it's got to go. Offers?

You'll likely see more BA-type parts and possibly mil gear trickle through
here in the next days and weeks as I've got to pare down the pile. So keep
watching! :)

Thanks much folks,  Chris
-- --

Christian Fandt,         Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY  USA      cfandt at netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
        URL: http://www.ggw.org/awa

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