Drake TR4-C info needed

Richard E. Robinson rerobins at EMAIL.UNCC.EDU
Tue Mar 23 13:01:37 EST 1999

I recently aquired a TR4-C and need some info.  The tuning is quite rough
and in doing my take-apart initial cleaning I noticed the nylon gears are
covered in dried lubricant.

This is my first Drake transceiver and I'm not familiar with the tuning.
Is it a dual "speed" mechanism?  If so, the slow tuning vernier is not
working.  I would expect the dial to move very slightly and it doesn't
although the knob does.  It looks to me like the tuning gears need to be
removed, cleaned and re-lubed.

Has anyone had to repair the tuning gears in a TR series receiver?

Thanks and 73,

Rick kf4ar

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