WTB Heath SB-102 and power supply

Al Parker anchor at COASTALNET.COM
Tue Mar 23 14:51:57 EST 1999

At 08:09 AM 3/23/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Does anyone have a Heathkit SB-102 and power supply available ?
>73s  Kees  K5BCQ
Hi Kees,
        Yes, I do have what you're looking for.

SB-102, nice operating & looking condx.  Belonged to my Bro-in-law, so I
know it.  I've been thru it recently, as it sat in his attic for 5-8 yrs.
A couple of resistor values had changed, it now is fine.  Full output, been
operated, worked my bro-in-law to show him, plus others.

HP-23 AC supply for it, no hum, looks good.

Also, if interested, an SB-630 station console.  Matches the 102.
"digital" Tymeter clock, works, I'D. timer, SWR mtr, both working.  Has
built in phone patch, I haven't tested that.  Some chips in cabinet, no

Total package $250 plus shipping, $225 without the SB-630.
Incl. manuals for the 102 & 630.


Al, W8UT
New Bern, NC
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