FS: BC-746-B TU's

Christian Fandt cfandt at NETSYNC.NET
Wed Mar 24 21:32:18 EST 1999

Hey gang,

While sorting out stuff, I found a shoebox full of eight of these tuning
units, apparently for a BC-746-B. Couldn't find BC-746 listed in Tom
Norris' millist at http://www.telalink.net/~badger/millist/mi.html.

They look as if the rig they fit into is somewhat portable. Measure about
4"w x 1 1/4"thk x 2 3/4"high and are rather light weight. Channels are:  2,
3, 5, 7, 10, 11 and 13. There are two chan 11s. They are made by Galvin
Mfg. Corp., order no. 34238-PHILA-43.

Anyway, I won't be keeping the units as I'm cleaning out our old house to
sell and lack space in the new house and have no radio these fit in. Good
'nuff reason not to keep 'em I guess. I'm open to offers.

Thanks,  Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt,         Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY  USA      cfandt at netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
        URL: http://www.ggw.org/awa

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