FS: Tubes (Lot #3)

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Thu Mar 25 17:22:01 EST 1999

For sale TUBES!

Add shipping costs to all prices...

Here is one more final lot of nice tubes (Lot #3)

6CA7 / EL34 by IEC, in box $12.00

6CA7 / EL34 by RCA, in box $10.00

6CA7 / EL34 by Sovtek, in box $15.00

6HS8 by International Servicemaster (New in Box) $2.50

12BE6 Silvertone, used, in box $1.00

12SA7 Raytheon (QTY 2) Used $1.00 each

6GH8 Zenith, used in box  $2.00

50B5 RCA, used in box $1.50

5965 G.E. Used in box  $1.00

OA2 RCA - new in box  $2.00

6719 Sylvania NEW in box (Rare pencil tube)  $5.00

12AX7 Sylvania NEW old stock    $6.00

6BN6 by Capehart used, in box    $3.00

6CB6 Philco, used in box  $1.00

6KT8 by G.E. used, in box  $1.00

6146 Raytheon Used in box $8.00

6146 RCA used in box $8.00

Or take all 18 of the tubes above for $60.00
(Please mention tube Lot #3)

Brian Carling, AF4K

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