items for sale

wachunga wachunga at XOOMMAIL.COM
Thu Mar 25 19:17:00 EST 1999

hello baswaplist the following items are for sale

see them at:

 1.  he-251-002 military headset in very good condition.
     they work very well. hi-Z used in desert storm. plug
     been changed 1/4". adjustable and comfortable ! $25

 2.  overseas shortwave all band receiver mfg by unelco elec
     baltimore md. in fair to good condition. uses plug-in
     coils to change bands (am bcst pair rf/ocs included)
     into octal sockets. some minor scrapes, blems and muck.
     unit is solid state but somewhat colectable. one non
     original knob. some rust on screw heads. no workee $20

 3.  a. rca preselctor in good condition but untested.
     on 47 mhz now but probably movable to 28 or 50 mhz.
     multiple sections. rca in/out solid state and it
     might help out the gonset ! $10
     b. dowkey coaxial relay used in good condition/works.
     tag says 30 vdc coil but test ok on 24vdc and lower.
     with n connectors. cheap relay for project ?? $15

 4.  motorola vhf-lo power amplifier in very good condition.
     uses 8560 conduction cooled tube (approx equiv 4cx250r
     in specs). includes good/tested tube. require very low
     drive and is on 47 mhz now. easy to move to 6 meters or
     10 meters with more effort. 2nd pix shows pa tube and
     silver plated tank. partial schematic included. $75
     *** NOW INCLUDES A EXTRA 8560 TUBE ***

 5.  home brew c-meter in good condition. covers 100pf to
     .1mf in 4 ranges. appears to work but sold as-is. $5

 6.  h264/prr9 military headset (earphone) nice shape/works.
     includes coiled cord, behind the ear holder and plug $3

 7.  military tube socket test adapters.  one for 829/5894
     style tubes and the other for 2c39 style tubes. they
     convert to common octal. could be used with any tester
     (you figure out switch settings) pair $15

plus shipping thanks 73 tom

see them at:

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