Phase-Locking a Boatanchor Oscillator?

David Stinson arc5 at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sat May 8 12:49:24 EDT 1999

We all know that some older MOPA boatanchor oscillators
can suffer from drift.  Most of us don't want to
hack-up vintage gear to correct it.
I have an idea and would like to know
if you can find any "holes" in it.

Why not phase-lock the oscillator with a satellite chassis?
You could run shielded, decoupled leads inside to a "tacked-in"
board that would provide coupling to some varactors, which are
controlled by the rest of the loop that's on the
outboard shielded chassis.  You can sample the RF output
to provide feedback to the loop.  You're not destroying
historic gear because the internal board requires
no hole-drilling or other hacks to install or remove it.
Frequency stablility without hacking-up vintage gear.
Anyone see any problem with this?

73 DE Dave Stinson AB5S
arc5 at

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