EBay sales

Chris Trask ctrask at PRIMENET.COM
Sun Nov 14 09:42:07 EST 1999

        Myself, I've been making out very well with eBay, picking up
books, magazines, journals, test equipment, and various odds and ends for
both my library and my lab here.  It's a very valuable asset, just like
the book searches and the newsgroups.

        Low starting prices mean a potential windfall, as well as a heated
bidding war from the very start.


On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Matt Stutterheim wrote:

> Before you guys criticise low E-Bay starting prices and high reserves, read
> the pricing policy. There is apparently an economic incentive forthe seller
> to start with a low opening price, not to mention that it looks good for EBay
> to have all these potential bargains out there.
> But prices have softened; though I missed out on yesterday's Mackay 3010 at
> $1100. My wife insisted the mortgage was more important.

     ,----------------------.       High Performance Mixers and
    /    What's all this     \    Amplifiers for RF Communications
   / extinct stuff, anyhow?  /
   \  _______,--------------'           Chris Trask / N7ZWY
  _ |/                                  Principal Engineer
 oo\                                  Sonoran Radio Research
(__)\       _                             P.O. Box 25240
  \  \    .'  `.                     Tempe, Arizona 85285-5240
   \  \  /      \
    \  '"        \                        Technical Editor,
     .       (  ) \                         QRP Quarterly
      '-| )__| :.  \                        QRP ARCI 9464
        | |  | | \  '.
       c__; c__;  '-..'>.__         Email:  ctrask at primenet.com

                       Graphics by Loek Frederiks

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