[BoatAnchors] What is difference btwn Drake 2B & 2A?

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Sun Nov 14 15:06:21 EST 1999

Significant! The 2A is a much different looking rcvr. More vertical shaped and
nothing like the 2B. The 2B and 2C both have a smiliar size and shape case.
The 2B is more rounded, and has a darker front panel. The 1A uses the
same color scheme as the 2B, but the 2A has a very unusual shaped case!
I have never tried a 2A.

On 13 Nov 99, at 22:42, Lane Zeitler wrote:

> I have traded my SBE 1A amp for a Drake 2A rcvr. Does anyone know what the
> differences are between the Drake 2B and the 2A?
> Lane
> Ku7i
> San Diego
> ---
> Submissions boatanchors at qth.net

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