Need opinion on SX-117

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Wed Nov 24 07:34:13 EST 1999

When I was a teenager, I used to go and watch a friend work the WORLD
on SSB with an SX-117 and HT-44 combination (twins) barefoot to a cubical
quad about 20 feet high. He used to work into Asia etc. with NO trouble (from
GA) daily.

I had an SX-117 briefly back in the mid-70s by which time it was already
considered a BA(!) - it is not a bad receiver at all. One of the later, better
quality Hallis. So long as the alignment is OK, you will be pleased with it.

It is no 75-S3B, however, it won't cost you like a Collins either!

Bry, AF4K

On 23 Nov 99, at 15:41, Lane Zeitler wrote:

> Gents,
> A local has offered me his Hallicrafters SX-117 in trade for some HF amp
> parts. Not familiar with this rig.
> Opinions?
> Lane
> Ku7i

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