Need opinion on SX-117

Richard E. Robinson rerobins at EMAIL.UNCC.EDU
Wed Nov 24 08:05:11 EST 1999

>Anyone who thinks that these look like Hammarlunds SERIOUSLY needs
>new glasses!

I don't have my Osterman's with me at work, but I'll bet he looked at a
picture of one of the last Hammarlunds made.  I remember one very late
model Hammarlund general coverage receiver that did look somewhat like an
SX-122 but nothing like  an SX-117.  Hammarlund never budged from the late
50s classic HQ-100 look until the very last models, even after
Hallicrafters changed their styling.

Ah, the good old days when rigs had distinctive looks.  Times certainly
have changed, I can't tell one rice box from another.


Rick kf4ar

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