De profundis -- out of the trash pile
N5AIT Allan Stephens
Wed Nov 24 07:59:48 EST 1999
Mentioned earlier being given an HQ-110 and a Viking I (that's
ONE) that were otherwise headed for the scrap heap. Got the 110
on the air a couple of days ago; got the Viking I running last night.
The Viking has had the 4D32-to-829B mod already put in. I have
paperwork on the way from list members on the mod (and got info thru
e-mail - thanks to all!). This Viking as as pretty as I have ever
seen, as close to "like new" as any outside a museum.
Anyway, I had the pair on and they are working. Still some
minor things in the Viking, like knowing grid/plate current limits
(ran it at 60 watts out last night, holding it down until I know)
(I do have a range sent by BA member, and kept within it - and
a bit less).
I had an HQ-110 new forty years ago - my second receiver.
Traded my NC-88 (with Heath Q-mult on it). This one is better:
first one tended to drift; this does not. Q=mult still not as
good as Heath's, but doing well. Main thing is difference in
knowledge - how to make it work its best given what it is. This
one is doing much better than the one 40 years ago... more because
of ME. Guess those "years of experience" do help!
Now on to Columbus, IN, for family Thanksgiving, then to
Evnasville hamfest on Saturday (carrying mostly parts - except
for a Signal Shifter...). Happy Thanksgiving to all!
73, Al N5AIT
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