Need original S38E info for Christmas gift... dave at BOATANCHORS.COM
Wed Nov 24 11:33:04 EST 1999

Hello all,

You'll recall a while back I was hunting a neat boatanchor for
my girlfriend for Christmas (she has an interest in radio, and
will also be getting a W5YI license course for Christmas!).

Anyway, I have arranged to get a nicely working S38E (that
I will fit with a grounded cord and admonish any ideas of
using it near H2O).

But I'd like to find some original S38E materials - especially
a nice page ad from a catalog or magazine of the era.  Also,
any photos (jpeg) of the S38E in a novice shack, or other
related materials.  I know I'm REALLY pushing it, but an
original box (ha ha ha) would be quite the Holy Grail.
ANYTHING featuring the S38E (E version only) would
most likely be great.

I'll happily pay postage, and reasonable prices for such
items.   I also have some swap material and manual copies
I can trade for materials.

She and I will be celebrating our Christmas a bit early due to
scheduling conflicts, so I must have it all wrapped and under
the tree BEFORE saturday, December 18.

Anybody have anything?

And if ya want to put a face to a name, you can see Anne and
me at:

Thanks to all, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!


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