Burned by Mike Kirby, K4VFY?

Katz, Gene S gene.s.katz at LMCO.COM
Wed Oct 20 16:35:18 EDT 1999

Glad to see that guy get what's coming to him, at least in part. When you
hear of guys like him getting away with it, it sours you on doing business
with any hams. I was ripped off by a Harvey Nell in the 818 area code of
Calif, and while not a ham he posed as a collector of tubed BAs and German
sets.  He advertised in the ARC one time, probably using someone's ID number
since the ARC said he wasn't a subscriber.He took me for a large, beautiful,
wooden case , 50s Grundig. Any one out there have any other bad dealings
with him?
73, Gene Katz KC6BLD

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