Where to get a D104 mic element?

Keith Heitzmann kk5fe at GS.VERIO.NET
Fri Sep 10 22:59:43 EDT 1999

At 08:01 PM 9/10/99 -0500, Jeff Anderson wrote:
>I have a D104 mic head that's missing its element.  Where
>can I get another one?  Are any other manufacturer's elements
>- Jeff, WA6AHL
>P.S.  Almost forgot...how's the darn thing wired?


Astatic is still very much in business and making the D-104.  You can get
it from them or from Amateur Electronic Supply, 1-800-558-0411.

They sell the replacement cartridge made by Astatic for 19.99.   Ask for
part number MC-320.

I have a copy of the schematic that I can scan and send to you.  Do you
have the amplified or non-amplified base?

Keith,  KK5FE

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