T15 ARC-5 Transmitters And Phono Oscillators

Mike Silva mjsilva at JPS.NET
Fri Sep 10 22:33:51 EDT 1999

I wonder if this wasn't a common sight to anybody driving around in a DF
van -- kids look up, do a double-take, and immediately run off to dismantle
their illicit station, certain that the DF van was sent after them on the
direct orders of the President...

Mike, KK6GM

>One day, we noticed a radio direction finder car stopped at the railway
>crossing while were walking home listening to our 6 transistor radio.  We
>went into a panic and ran home taking every shortcut we could think of and
>took the transmitter off the air.  Then we raced outside and ripped down
>antennas, and hid the transmitter in the basement.  Never went on the air
>again after that!
>In reality, the DF car was likely just driving through town on the main
>highway while going somewhere else...

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