T15 ARC-5 Transmitters And Phono Oscillators

Jeffrey Herman jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Sun Sep 12 22:43:08 EDT 1999

On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, JC Smith wrote:
>Mike wrote:

>> I wonder if this wasn't a common sight to anybody driving around in a
>>DF van -- kids look up, do a double-take, and immediately run off to
>>dismantle their illicit station, certain that the DF van was sent after
>>them on the direct orders of the President...

> Boy, are they ever lucky it wasn't the current administration.  Their house
> would have been invaded by FBI, pumped with CS agent and reduced to rubble
> before they got home.  You don't mess with Bill, Janet and the boys.

That sure would clean up the 80 and 20 meter garbage we hear these days.
(And that stuff on the lower end of 10m, too.) I'm all for it.

Jeff KH6O

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