What is an HP 608B worth?

Don Buska d.buska at AAIATE.COM
Tue Sep 14 08:24:18 EDT 1999

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999 21:24:12 -0700, Lane Zeitler wrote:

>I am considering letting go my HP 608B sig gen (I think it's 10 to 400+
>mhz). I have other sig gens and this thing is huge and taking up a lot of
>valuable bench space.
>What are they going for now?
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Depends on condition Lane.  I bought two (C versions - 480MHz max freq) of them
about 10 years ago for $50 at a swapfest.  One is used for parts to keep the
other running.  Overall condition on both was very good (actually the one that
was beat up the most was the one that operated the best and became my main
unit).  Surplus shops still get several hundred bucks for them, but they are
big and heavy so they really only bring $25 - $50 today, especially if you want
to sell it fast. Having the manual for the unit is also a big plus, because I
think I had to pay $20-$30 for a copy from Fair Radio Sales (A "C" version
manual just sold on eBay for $22.50). I did a search on eBay, a good indicator
for max price on an items worth, and here is the results from the last month:

HP608C Rack Mount - Started at $99.99 but received no bids (unsold)
HP-608D - Sold for $36.10
HP-608E - Sold for $75.00

I think the E version has output stabilizing, Max freq of 480MHz  (versus
420MHz on the B version) and frequency sync ability that your B version doesn't
have.  Thus the higher price on the E!  An end of production "F" version might
also bring a $100-$200 price if it very clean, calibrated and has the manual.

The HP 86XX series and MIL equivalents have been replacing the 608 series in
the last few years on ham test benches.  These are the new solid state
synthesized versions and can often be found in the $400 - $700 range at
swapfests (much higher at surplus dealers).

Hope this helps es 73

Don N9OO

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