T15 ARC-5 Transmitters And Phono Oscillators

Paul Litwinovich paull at WSHU.ORG
Wed Sep 15 12:56:21 EDT 1999


>I wonder if this wasn't a common sight to anybody driving around in a DF
>van -- kids look up, do a double-take, and immediately run off to dismantle
>their illicit station, certain that the DF van was sent after them on the
>direct orders of the President...(snip)

We had so many hams stop by and flash their licenses and try to scare us off
the air, that when the real FCC stopped by we did not beleive them. We were
back on the next day and stayed that way for about 30 days unlit we got the
standard C&D order
in the mail.

Paul L.

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