GF-11 and RU-16 Coil sets

Dexter Francis cwest at XMISSION.COM
Wed Sep 22 19:24:24 EDT 1999

Greetings all -

While cleaning off a back shelf today I came across four coil sets that may be
of interest:

Two   CW-47138 Coil sets in the cardboard boxes, for the GF-11.  Range 3675 to
4525 kC
One CW-47075 Coil Set - Range K - 9050 to 13575 kC in the CW-47029 holder
One CW-47204 Dual Coil Set - Range F & Q - 540 to 830 and kC to 2040 to 3000 kC

If anyone is interested in these, please drop me a note.


Parts and Tubes for Amateurs, Antiques and Experimenters
 CWest Tube Sales - mail at (801) 363-TUBE

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