GB> Flexible Flea rediscovered

Edward Swynar VE3 CUI gswynar at DURHAM.NET
Thu Sep 30 19:39:57 EDT 1999

I always had a hankering for the big, heavy stuff, like the RCA AR-88
receiver...I finally got one about 8 years ago WITH an S-meter AND a
complete case!

It plays as well as I could ever have imagined it the time I got
licensed (1971---age 19) I used a Hallicrafters S-77A & a homebrew 6T9
compactron rig (from March 1971 QST)...

Then I advanced eventually to the high-tech Yaesu FT-980, etc. But do you
know what? I get my greatest kicks lately fooling around with 1929 replica

Is this retro-radio, or what?!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

> From: Bob Liesenfeld <wb0poq at>
> To: Boatanchors <BOATANCHORS at LISTSERV.TEMPE.GOV>; Glowbugs
<glowbugs at>
> Subject: Re: GB> Flexible Flea rediscovered
> Date: September 30, 1999 5:19 PM
> Mike Silva wrote:
> > the early '60s "How to Become a Radio Amateur".
> >
> > So, for fun, what rigs (homebrew, commercial, kits) did you folks
> > desperately want way back when?
>   I wanted a Central Electronics 100V
> --
> Genuine E-mail From the Land of the Everlasting Icicle...
> Bob Liesenfeld
> wb0poq at

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