BAs for sale - Ranger, NC-183D, DX-60B/HG-10B

Doug Hall kf4kl at IPASS.NET
Thu Sep 30 21:29:08 EDT 1999

Hi Folks,
I've just found that "pearl of great price" so I'm liquidating a few
BAs to make some funds available. All prices PLUS shipping unless
otherwise stated. The Ranger and NC-183D are HEAVY, and will be packed
properly & double boxed. You pay actual shipping on those items, I'll
pay shipping CONUS on the DX-60B/HG-10B.

1. Johnson Ranger I 160-10m AM/CW transmitter.
Good condition, and sounds good on the air. Good power out on all
bands. Some scratches on cabinet, and a couple on the front panel. Rig
has hi-fi audio mods, nicely done and well documented. The transmitter
has a replacement Peter Dahl modulation transformer installed. HV
rectifier tube has been replaced with solid state equivalent. The mic
connector on the rear panel has been replaced with a 4 pin version.
I'll be happy to meet you on AM or CW, 160-10m and let you hear this
rig on the air. Manual copy, plus modification documentation. $250
plus shipping on approx. 55 lbs from 27612.
See for a picture. Photo is a
little washed out - the grey is actually a little darker.

2. National NC-183D General Coverage Receiver
Nice radio, works great and sounds great. Very sensitive. A couple of
wear spots on the front panel, which you can see on the photos. The
inside is extremely clean. Original owner added a damp-chaser inside
(underneath) which looks like a factory addition, but I'll be happy to
remove it if you're a purist. This is a lovely receiver, and the
photos really don't do it justice. Makes a great companion to the
Ranger (above) on AM. Includes original manual. $225 plus shipping on
approx. 70 lbs from 27612.
Photos online: (front view) (another front view) (inside view)

3. Heathkit DX-60B 80-10m AM/CW transmitter and HG-10B VFO
Transmitter works well on all bands, full output from the 6146. Good
CW note, and sounds good on AM, or as good as an unmodified DX-60B can
sound on AM. The VFO dial drum has some cracks in it and has been
repaired. The VFO works well, good output, and good stability. I'd be
happy to meet you on the air, 80-10m to let you hear this combo.
Manual copies included for xmtr and VFO. Prefer to sell as a set. I
will ship these CONUS for $175.
See photos at

If you have any questions, drop me a note. Feel free to make an offer
if you think I'm asking too much. Also, I'll deliver with 50 miles or
so of Raleigh, NC.
Doug Hall, KF4KL
Raleigh, NC

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