Harvey-Wells Info needed

George Maier gmaier at ULTRANET.COM
Tue Aug 8 07:24:50 EDT 2000

Hi Hugh:
Thanks for the response. Yes the VFO does include 6M, and the 6M RF output is
separate from the 10-80M RF out.  Although I've had this rig for a long time,
I've never powered it up.  Would like to find the matching AC PS someday.
Vy 73
George - K1GXT

Hugh Miller wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: George Maier <gmaier at ULTRANET.COM>
> Subject: Re: Harvey-Wells Info needed
> |
> | | I'm trying to gather info on a Harvey-Wells TS-90 transmitter.  It's
> | | basically identical to the T-90, except that 6 meters has been added.
> |
> |
> | No information for you, but congrats on having a unique equipment.
> | I wonder if HW dared to vfo the xmtr on 6, or went with xtal only
> | on that band, as other manufacturers did.
> | Another rare one in this group would be the RG-9, the general
> | coverage version of the receiver, altho i suspect with no
> | separate bandspread knob, the tuning rate would be unhappily
> | fast.
> | Hue Miller
> |

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