Need Manual - CAY-47152A Plug-in Tuning Unit, Range D, A of Model GP-7 Aircraft Radio

DavidC eDoc at NETZERO.NET
Sat Jan 8 18:24:49 EST 2000

A friend who is helping me asked me if I could help him to find
a manual ...

   "... there is a 'document' I would like to find.  "Type CAY-47152A,
    Plug-in Tuning Unit, Range D, A unit of Model GP-7 Aircraft Radio
    Equipment" made by Westinghouse.  This would make a very good homebrew
    something.  Master Oscillator tuning, MO steps, Antennae Tuning, Steps,
    Antennae Range, PA Tuning, PA Steps.  But a major coil is missing and
    very hard to replace it without the circuitry.

Can anyone help us, please?  A scanned schematic and/or manual E-mailed
as an attachment is fine.  A reasonably priced clean copy is fine as well.

- Thanks! & 73, DavidC  K1YP

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