Tempe List Server News

Dave Kelley ai7r at PRESENCEKNOWN.COM
Wed Jul 12 10:40:39 EDT 2000

Greetings guys...

The new license is in place for the new email server.  That LSMTP ad will
now be missing from your subject line.  I know...you've come to love that
little space gobbling ad on the list mail but it's gone forever.  Unless I
installed it wrong and it's on this message, in which case I'll be red

I'd like to point out again that the old server (RIP) was adding a 20 to 30
minute delay to all outgoing email...and we never did knew why.  Today, with
the new email server you can bet your post will be delivered within about 60

Anyhow, enjoy life, stay on topic, and remember to dust it off, turn it on,
sit back and remember the sweeter days of yesteryear.



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