Misc FS

Joe Sloss sloss at MINDSPRING.COM
Tue Jul 25 11:54:34 EDT 2000

National HFS w/ all coils, scratch on cabinet top, no PS,  $50,  HRO-jr w/ 4 coils, missing AVC and B+ switch metal name plates,  no PS,  $200,   National Velvet Vernier Type B $17, National ACN $17.  Ohmite 100W dry dummy load, screw terminal type,  $15.  Micromatch RF & SWR Coupler $15.  Instructograph tape code practice machine w/ spare tapes, exc. condx. $45.  Can anyone give me a fair value for  a Western Electric Type VT-1 and 250-D tubes w/ good filaments,  not in original boxes?    Thanks, Joe

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