FS: Collins 800 Cycle Mechanical Filter for HRO

Michael Crestohl mc at SOVER.NET
Mon Jun 5 16:12:13 EDT 2000

This is a very rare item.....

This is a Mechanical Filter Plug In Adapter for the National HRO 50/60
series receivers.  It plugs in place of a 6K7 tube.  The bandwidth is 800
cycles which makes it ideal for CW,  Markings read:

"Type 353D-08,
   522 9060 004.

I do not own a HRO50 or 60 nor do I plan on acquiring one so this item is
of no practical use to me.

Any swaps will be entertained or I will be willing to discuss selling it.

Please reply by e-mail if interested.


Michael Crestohl, W1RC
mc at sover.net

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