FS: Millen No. 90651 Grid Dip Meter *MINT*

Michael Crestohl mc at SOVER.NET
Mon Jun 5 14:35:30 EDT 2000

Another goodie.....

This is a late manufacture of the classic Millen Type 90651 Grid Dip
Oscillator.  This is the model with the "half-moon" window for the
meter.  It is a very late model as it comes in the gray plastic case that
houses the meter and the 7 coils.

This item is in MINT condition!!  The case exterior is a bit grungy but
inside is as clean as the meter.

I'd like $110.00 plus UPS for this nice example of a very useful piece of
RF test equipment.  If interested please reply by e-mail.


Michael Crestohl, W1RC
mc at sover.net

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