Cleaning out shack

Charles Leidner k4qzo at MINDSPRING.COM
Sun Mar 5 07:55:33 EST 2000

FS or Trade

GLA 1000 amp    VG  $175.00  (lots of spare finals)
Hallicrafters R-46B spkr  VG   $75.00
Lafayette 6 mtr am tranceiver / matching VFO  $45.00
13.8v  12 amp pwr supply  Excellent    $35.00
Micronta 21-5258 Field Strength/SWR  $10.00
EV630 150 ohm mike (no base)     $10.00
Collins 75S1 VG/EXC   $385.00
RME 6900  VG/EXC    $285.00
R-1051/UUR  VG        $250.00

Plus shipping from Pensacola 32501

73 Charles
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