Oldies but goodies

Allan Stephens modsteph at ACS.EKU.EDU
Thu May 25 15:38:17 EDT 2000


     Last night in the back hills of eastern Kentucky I met a guy who
has been collecting for a long, long time.  He has an incredible
of all kinds of parts for those who are looking for same... but more
he wants to sell some equipment:

     E.F. Johnson Desk kilowatt: two for $2000 (pedestal with amplifier;
no rest-of-desk).  Will split at $1500 and $500 - the $500 one has a bad

transformer.  (Wish I could afford it)

     Heath DX-100 (no cabinet) -- $100

     Heath TX-1 Apache -- $100

     Hammarlund SP-600 rack mount -- $150

     Hallicrafters HT-9 transmitter -- $100

     BC-610 transmitter (two cabinets) + speech amplifier -- $200

     I got a couple things from him.  An older gentleman, quite
lives in Lily, Kentucky - south of London, off in the hills a ways.  He
not want to ship these things (obviously!) but does want to sell them
asked if I would pass the word along.  No internet connection.

     Doing so.  Talk to him:

     Roy Cornett (don't remember his call)
     606  528-7537

     73,  Al  N5AIT

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