No. 19 Set Power Supply and miscellaneous wanted

Tony Grogan wsno19 at MINDSPRING.COM
Sat Nov 25 08:42:43 EST 2000

Dear Fellow Boatanchorites, I am searching for an additional power supply
for my 19 set collection, it is the Supply Unit No. 3. This power supply has
the 12 pin connector at the top. It has been my experience that they have
usually been built by EICOR, in the U.S.A. and most have never been used.

If you have a Canadian Mk111 PSU I am interested too, also a great looking
No.1 PSU also.

Any miscellaneous No.19 set books, manuals, paperwork, packing slips, EMER's
etc are of interest also.

Thank you for your time. Tony WA4MRR

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