UPS-Proof Packing

Bill Marx bmarx at BELLSOUTH.NET
Mon Apr 23 23:17:01 EDT 2001

 Here is a post I made some time ago and saved fortunately.
Bill Marx W2CQ

I've shipped many old and new radios including boat anchors weighing in over
100 pounds. UPS will open boxes saying electronics on them and check your
packing...If it isnt good they either wont take it or wont
insure it. Too many badly packaged goods cross their counters. They see a
claim waiting to happen and they dont like paying claims.

UPS requires double boxing with sufficient space and peanuts or bubble wrap
between the boxes.  At least 4 to 5 inches is needed. In the old days some
rolled newspaper was called sufficient, and that isnt the case any more....

You can pick up all the materials at your local packaging materials store
found in the Yellow Pages under packing and shipping materials. I dont mean
Office Depot, Staples or "Mail Our Stuff" type stores.

If you use those mom & pop shippers, the packaging I've described will cost
about $75 for 2 very heavy radios.  thats their fee before the postage or
UPS is added on!.. Then they get a surcharge on top of that . They are
entitled to make a living, but do it yourself. its cheaper.

The stores selling packing materials ,can be found in the Yellow Pages .
They are not usually in the local shopping centers.They sell the materials
you need. Large rolls of bubble wrap and heavy boxes. The peanuts come in
tall bags not little ones.

The way I wrap is bubble wrap the radio several times. About 4 inches of
large bubble wrap is good. Fit that into a sturdy box....Place that box into
a larger box and make sure there is about 5 inches of peanuts on all sides.
Bounce the box many times to help settle out the peanuts. Then use plastic
wrapping tape found on
a roll. I've purchased a holder from UPS but you dont need one.

Dont assume UPS or the US Postal service is going to treat your box any
different than others. Assume they will throw it or bounce it. If your
packing job makes you wince when you think about that then it isnt packed

I've never had a radio get where its going in a different condition than
when it left.

If the rig opens from top you can stuff bubble wrap inside protecting the
tubes in their sockets. Sometime I remove them and ship them separately. I
tape a note to the AC plug to remind the new owner about the bubble wrap
inside or the separately shipped tubes.

The little radios and HT's I box the same way. BTW weigh your radio yourself
and UPS will come to your door to pick up. Their site for checking price is:

By the way ....if its packed correctly and not too big, I use the US Postal
service more often than not. Its as cheap or cheaper."

Lately I have been buying packages of Styrofoam Insulation at my local Home
Depot. I still use bubble wrap around the radio about 4 inches thick and
pack it inside a sturdy box and then use several inches of Styrofoam (about
5 ) inside a second box.

Johnson radios BTW have light chassis and the Valiant in particular has a
problem in shipping. The transformers have a tendency to separate themselves
from the light chassis and end up bouncing around inside the rig. I have had
some shipped that came though ok but that one is a gamble.

Good Luck. A little extra care will ensure your radio arrives in the same
condition it left in.

Bill W2CQ
w2cq at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Evans" <cosmos41 at IX.NETCOM.COM>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 10:55 PM
Subject: UPS-Proof Packing

> Guys,
> I've seen several posts lately either here or on the Collins reflector
> on adequate packaging for older tube-type rigs but apparently failed to
> save any of the posts.
> Would someone forward me one of the emails that you believe sums up the
> very best method to pack rigs that will be handled by the UPS gorillas?
> This rig will be a Johnson Viking Navigator and it just must NOT arrive
> here damaged.
> I want to send the shipper some very explicit instructions, and your
> help would be most appreciated.  I don't want to go the "foam in a can"
> method but seem to remember quite a bit of consensus on the use of
> "builder's foam sheets" available at places like Home Depot.
> Thanks in advance!  I know this topic is of interest to us all and I
> thought I had saved several posts but now can't find a one.  Senior
> moments seem to be coming with increasing frequency all the time now.
> All your comments will be appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Ron - K5MVR

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