Always Replace All The Capacitors?

J. Forster jfor at ONEMAIN.COM
Sun Aug 12 18:20:45 EDT 2001

> . Ultimately we are only their temporary caretakers. My personal
> decision is to restore the junkers and basket cases and leave the nice
> originals alone.

I agree with this. I would suggest an exception, however. If you have a nice,
unmodified set, such as an ARC-5 or No 19, I see no reason not to get it working
with parts from a "doner" radio of the same type and vintage. It is certainly
within what a repair depot would have done, both during WW II and thereafter. In
fact, some manuals specifically tell you what parts to salvage from a damaged set
(See The No 19 set EMERs, for example)

In fact, I am currently trying to figure out how to color Glyptal to dab on the
solder joints as an inspection marker and on nuts and bolts as a locking compound.

Take care,

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