FS: Misc. BA Parts

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Sat Dec 1 17:33:16 EST 2001

For Sale:

Group of 5 insulated couplings. Three use ceramic insulation,
one bakelite and one plastic. All come with the set screws
and are ready to use in your restoration or construction project.
Will sell all five for $22.00 plus $4.50 shipping

Tube pin straighteners - brand new. QTY 2 available.
Will sell for $12.00 plus $4.50 shipping.

Flexible shaft coupling
Just one of these. One end is insulated. 9.25" total length.
For standard 0.25 inch shafts. Complete with set screws and in perfect condition.
Will sell for $10.00 plus $3.00 shipping

Barker & Williamson FL-1500 Low pass filter. Like new.
Great TVI stopper! Legendary B & W quality construction.
Will sell for $25.00 plus shipping.

LOAD RESISTORS for testing audio amplifiers:
8 ohm 50 watts for $9.00 each plus shipping
8 ohms 100 watts for $16.00 each plus shipping
16 ohms 100 watts for $16.00 each plus shipping
4 ohm 50 watts for $9.00 each plus shipping
2 ohms 100 watts for $16.00 each plus shipping

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